- Use smaller, inexpensive items that will not make a dent in the customers wallet.
- The products you display on your impulse units should guide the customers purchase. For example, in a grocery store the items on your impulse shelves should complement the top 10 fastest moving goods in your store.
- Use the power of convenience to promote the product. For example, it might just be more convenient for your customer to buy paper plates at your butchery than drive to the supermarket.
- Every now and then, promote struggling items at the impulse unit. A simple sign with the promotion and the price can move a customer to purchase on impulse. This is because they have a shorter amount of time to decide on the purchase when they are already at the checkout counter.
- Make impulse buying a regular habit. This can be accomplished by taking the time to understand your customers buying habits. The more you know about your customers, the easier it will be to make suggestions about what they need to buy and the easier it will become for them to do so.
You can boost your impulse sales by purchasing a checkout counter and impulse unit.